Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jon "Dragon" Gosselin Searching For His Zen

Jon Gosselin recently got this awesome idiotic looking tattoo that took 14 hours to do.

Seriously? I really hope that's just a henna tattoo but I'm pretty sure it isn't. How soon before he regrets this decision...Week? Month? Yesterday? The man actually wishes he was a 25-year-old living on the Jersey Shore. His fat ex-girlfriend Haley Glassman commented, “I think congratulations are in order. He has successfully turned his back into an Ed Hardy t-shirt. It’s what he always wanted [to look like Ed Hardy]…so mission accomplished!” Ah yes, every 33-year-old's dream...to have 8 kids, get divorced, date an ugly fat girl then get a stupid looking dragon tattoo on your entire back.


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