Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Steve Carell Pulls Out

That's what she said...

Steve Carell is leaving The Office after this season and talked to E! about it...
"I just think it's time, I want to fulfill my contract. When I first signed on I had a contract for seven seasons, and this coming year is my seventh. I just thought it was time for my character to go."
If he really thinks it is time for the greatest character on TV right now to go he has lost his marbles. I could watch Michael Scott's antics all day and I'm not sure the show can keep up its greatness without him. I know other characters are hilarious but no one is as great as Michael Scott. Carell talked about the future of the show and commented...
"It doesn't certainly mean the end of the show. I think it's just a dynamic change to the show, which could be a good thing, actually."
Okay, I believe him when he says it doesn't mean the end of the show and that it will be a dynamic change but a dynamic change is definitely NOT a good thing. The show is perfect the way it is and should stay that way until it ends for good. Carell has other things going on and I respect that but when the seventh season ends next May I will be in a very sad state - like when Zach Braff left Scrubs. Scrubs was awesome until he left, then it turned into a less funny, shittier version of itself. I would rather have The Office end early with Steve Carell than try to go on without him, see the ratings tank and have the network pull the plug Gary Coleman style. Too soon?

Michael Scott you will be missed. You have been a source of entertainment and inspiration (for my awesome corny jokes) the past 5 years and the show will never be quite the same without you.


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