Monday, June 21, 2010

Ty Lawson Taking One For the Team

Ty Lawson, guard from the best college in the world (UNC) and current PG for the best basketball team in the world (Denver Nuggets), is ready to sacrifice himself for the good of his team. What's that sacrifice you ask? Banging Kim Kardashian. Lawson may have immediately established himself as the best tweeter ever last night by posting:

The numbers don't lie and apparently there is something special in the coochie's of the Kardashians. 2009? Reggie Bush wins a championship while banging Kim. 2010? Lamar Odom wins a championship while banging the other one. Yeah, Kim has a sister. And she's ugly, you aren't missing much. Lets just say its not by accident Ty is offering to bang Kim. These NBA players will fuck basically anything with a hole, but I'm not sure if Khloe would fit in that category.

Rumors have it Kim is now dating Miles Austin on the Dallas Cowboys. So I'm not saying, but I'm saying: Dallas Cowboys early Super Bowl favorite.

Regardless of just his post on Kim, Lawson is a genius on the tweets. Twitter is so hit or miss. Many times you try to be funny and in reality look like a retard. Lawson is always funny. Clearly Lawson is hilarious.
In other Ty Lawson tweets - we think he should be hanging out with Golden Tate. (click for the pic)

Thoughts on a weekly Ty Lawson tweet category?

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