Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cristiano Ronaldo Is a Fraud

I hope people stop comparing Cristiano to Beckham now. They may have both played the same position for Man U and captained their national teams and even wore the same number but make no mistake about it, Becks won when he had to win. Becks showed the fuck up in clutch situations and buried free kicks. The team always relied on Beckham and got rewarded for it. I don't know if Cristiano was even on the field yesterday. It'd be alright if he played like shit and played his dick off but this dude didn't even try yesterday. I've been saying it for years now. He's all flash, no substance. You can't win with someone like that. It's the same reason why these youtube sensations who do tricks and juggle can't do shit on the field. Gotta be a team player in the ultimate team spot. It takes more than good looks and tabloid stories to lead a group of grown men on the biggest stage in the world.

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