Monday, June 21, 2010

Miley Cyrus is a Dirty Pirate Hooker

There's no way this girl is 17-years old. She doesn't look 17, she doesn't act 17, hell she doesn't even want to be 17. She performed last night at the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto wearing Lady Gaga like outfits. We didn't see the pic Perez posted of her but she left little to the imagination with what she wore last night. Apparently Perez might face some jail time for that pic which raises the question - is it legal for an under-age girl to get waxed? I'm pretty sure she wears less and less clothing every time she performs and Billy Ray doesn't give a shit about it as long as she keeps bring home the cash. I'm never having daughters and if I do I'm locking them in the basement until they are 25. Click the images to enlarge.

If you're really a big pedofile you can thank the internet and modern technology (and probably some 40-year old fat guy) for giving you this picture.

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