Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Megan Fox Marries Her Dad

It has been reported that the Transformers star married Brian Austin Green last week while they were in Hawaii. He is 12 years older than her at 36...I know, I know not nearly old enough to be her dad unless we're in Iran. I'm pretty sure she has been in Hawaii for over a month now - I guess that's what happens when you get fired from Transformers, you take a sweet vacation.

Starz first broke the news and said:
“They had a fairly large wedding, but there were clearly more security people than guests!” the insider tells Star. “They had so many security people that they had to call in local security because the hotel security alone wouldn’t do. It was very hush hush. Everyone was sworn to secrecy.”

The location of the wedding — which took place Thursday or Friday — was the Four Seasons Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu on the big island of Hawaii. The hotel has many amenities like a golf course and a spa. The hotel is known for throwing big, A-list weddings.

“The place is perfect for a Hollywood wedding,” says the source. “It’s very romantic and scenic. Megan and Brian had already been there for a few days. It seemed like a spur of the moment thing. I don’t think it had been planned long.”

Great job those people did of keeping the secret. Also, what the hell is it with all the marriage news today? That takes another rich slampiece off the market.


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