Thursday, June 10, 2010

Aniston Dating Sudoku

Jennifer Aniston is reportedly dating Jason Sudeikis. Seriously Jen? He looks like a character from Newsies. I still prefer you over that tramp Angelina but you are making it very hard with reports like these. Apparently the two started hitting it off while filming The Bounty Hunter last year. Sudeikis was married at the time so "apparently" the two were just friends while filming the movie. Now Sudeikis is divorced (that "apparently" seems a little iffy now) and she is helping him through it. Yeah, "helping him through it" my ass.

According to an insider, "When Jen found out he was going through a break-up late last year, she made the effort to invite Jason over for dinner in case he was feeling lonely or down. She finds him hilarious. He is just what Jen needs — a solid, low key, funny man. It’s early days, but she’s quietly thrilled." What happened to Vince Vaughn? He's a "solid, low key, funny man". I guess Sudeikis is better than John Mayer.

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