Monday, June 21, 2010

Not a Date Night Movie

I recently saw Date Night starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey. Marky Mark, Taraji P. Henson, Common, Mila Kunis, Leighton Meester, Ray Liotta, Mark Ruffalo, Kristen Wiig and James Franco also had parts in this very average film. Speaking of James Franco, he recently said "I would be happy to play 100 gay roles as long as they were always good parts". His part in this movie was terrible so I'm pretty sure that means his character is straight (if you know your transitive property).

I didn't expect much going in which probably made it more enjoyable but the plot was lackluster and there wasn't very much humor. The little humor it did have wasn't very funny - even to me. All that being said, I was entertained for 88 minutes and didn't get bored.

The movie revolves around a married couple, Phil (Carell) and Claire (Fey) Foster, who go to dinner at a fancy-schmancy NYC restaurant to spice up their marriage. The restaurant is very popular and they didn't make a reservation so they pretend they are a no-show couple and take their reservation. The thugs think the Fosters are the no-show couple and proceed to ask them for a flash drive that was stolen from a mob boss (Liotta). The rest of the movie involves the Fosters trying to run away from the thugs and find the flash drive while avoiding getting killed. There is a decent amount of action and I will watch anything with Steve Carell so I would recommend you watch it but follow our drinking game while you do to make it more entertaining. Overall I'd give the movie a 45%.

Drink Whenever

...Steve Carell tells Marky Mark to put a shirt on
...someone says "for reals" or "hells"
...someone says "Tripplehorn"
...the USB drive is referenced (including "computer sticky thing")

Chug Whenever

...someone judges them for stealing the reservation

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