Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lady Gaga Is a Man

Now when you first read this headline I'm sure you thought, "Holy hell! Someone finally has photographic evidence of Lady Gaga having a fat, fat dick!", but you are wrong. This photo of Lady Gaga dressed up like a man is brought to you by Japan, a country that has also contributed this to society...

And incase you were wondering, this is Japan's version of a hipster (the blue and pink hair is sooooo ironic).

So either Lady Gaga is a genius at being crazy, or just another crazy genius. It's time America started to appreciate the craziness of Gaga. Sure she is crazy and dresses like a man sometimes, but Vincent van Gogh chopped of his own ear and gave it to his girlfriend just on a whim, and he is still a genius. That's right, I just put Lady Gaga and Vincent van Gogh on the same level....no regrets. At least Gaga hasn't gone van Gogh on our asses and wanted to chop off one of her body parts...wait never mind she wants to amputate one of her legs for the sake of art.

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