Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Man Gets Shot. Doesn't Realize It Until Hours Later.

Tracy Durham remembers hearing the pop. But the gunshot wound the Illinois man discovered after a neighbor asked about his limp? That was a surprise. The 48-year-old Durham told police he thinks he was shot by a friend during a party late Sunday at his home. Police say Durham recalled calling the friend's girlfriend ugly. The Peoria man then heard a pop as he took a drink from a bottle of whiskey. But police say he felt no pain. Durham told officers he went to sleep around 3 a.m. Monday and discovered the wound about four hours later.

Someone find me Tracy Durham and put me in contact with him ASAP. Sign him up for the blog, the WBL, and just as my new best friend.  I mean say what you want about the Midwest but they know how to party in Peoria, Illinois. This dude obviously took my advice when I said I once brought a bottle of whiskey and a shotgun to a gathering and showed those fuckers the best damn party they've ever seen. Another reason I want to hang with Durham is this dude is ballsy in every sense of the word. He's the type of the fucker to call your gilfriend ugly then take a swig of your whiskey right in the face. Might even swish that shit around his cheeks then gargle it before swallowing and end it all with a stank fart. But let's not forget about the best part of the story. T-Durz gets shot and doesn't realize it until 4 hours later. He even went to sleep! I want whatever Tracy Durham is drinking and make it a double.

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