Monday, June 21, 2010

Ron Artest Sings, Drinks and has a Therapist

If you haven't seen this video of Ron Artest being interviewed after Game 7 of the Finals, he starts thanking people and even includes his therapist! It shouldn't shock me he has a therapist because he is bat-shit insane but it's still funny to hear him thank his therapist on national television after winning the NBA championship. Before the interview is over he even promotes his new single which is called "Champions". I bet that's going straight to #1.

TMZ has been following him around all week which I imagine gets pretty annoying for Ronald but he keeps talking to them. They asked him about his psychiatrist and he responded by calling her "dope" about 10 times. He's given us enough new material to create a drinking game.

Just in case you like shitty rap music here is that single he was yapping about. A warning - it is horrendous from start to finish and listening to it makes me want to rip my ears off.

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