Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rindsay Rohan

Everyone's least favorite fame whore, Lindsay Lohan, plans to pose nude to promote her handbag line. Normally a sentence with the words "pose" and "nude" gets me excited...butttttt (that could be a large or small butt depending on if she's been hitting up the nose candy recently) does anyone really want to see her naked? I don't need to see a fire crotched, coked out, SCRAM bracelet wearing hooker naked promoting handbags that I will never buy. If you're going to get naked promote something useful like Natty Light. I'd rather see Helen Mirren naked...wait...that just happened?!?!?!?!?!? Alright I lied - my eyes are permanently scarred.

Ah yes, that brings me to the SCRAM bracelet she has to wear 24/7 - the one accessory in Lindsay's otherwise birthday-suit photo shoot. She can't take it off so people are wondering will it be in the pics? Will it be airbrushed out? Well a rep from her handbag company said, "We're thinking of having police on hand so we can remove the ankle bracelet for the pictures". Now I'm beginning to think this is all an evil plan by Lindsay to get the police to remove the bracelet so she can go get shit-faced for an hour. Genius.


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