Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chlorophyll? More like Boreophyll

I saw Letters to Juliet this week and saying it was predictable is an understatement. It was an okay flick but would have been much better if it was a romcom. The best part of the movie was seeing bug-eyes hottie Amanda Seyfried in nearly every scene. I don't know why but I keep watching movies she's in. In the past 8 months that chick has had 4 leading roles in fairly large movies (Jennifer's Body, Dear John, Chloe and Letters to Juliet). I'm not worried about giving away any spoilers because 1) it is not a thriller and 2) you could watch the first 10 minutes and know exactly what was going to happen. I'll save you the boredom of watching it but also provide a drinking game if your imaginary girlfriend drags you to see it (also because we like to promote getting Jake Gyllenhoused - kidding, totally kidding).

Letters to Juliet is about Sophie (Amanda Seyfreid) going on a pre-honeymoon in Verona, Italy with her fiance. He is opening his own Italian restaurant so is constantly busy finding new food and wine while on the trip. His lack of attention to Sophie forces her to wander the city alone which leads her to discover "Juliet's House" where crazy, lonely women visit and post letters they write about their sad love lives. A group of even crazier women take the letters everyday and write back as "Juliet". Sophie finds a 50-year old letter and responds to it which leads to a grandma (Claire) showing up with her grandson (Charlie). He plays the "I don't believe in love" character while Sophie plays the "what reason is there to live if there isn't love". If you didn't predict they would end up making babies by the end you clearly haven't seen enough of these types of movies...probably a good thing.

The letter that Claire wrote was about her long lost Italian love (Lorenzo Bartolini) when she was 15 years old but didn't see him again because her parents didn't approve. The amount of Romeo and Juliet references would make even Taylor Swift proud. Claire shows up in Verona which leads to Claire, Sophie and Charlie finding every single Lorenzo Bartolini to see if it is the one from 50-years ago. Sophie and Charlie argue, they find a ton of wrong Lorenzo Bartolinis and can you guess what happens next?!? They find the real Lorenzo Bartolini. Shocker. Oh yeah, Sophie breaks-up with her fiance and she and Charlie live happily ever after. Wow that was boring just writing that. I'd give the movie 20% but am bumping it up to 33% because "Love Story" by Taylor Swift was featured in a scene at the end.

Drink Whenever meet a new Lorenzo Bartolini
...Victor (Sophie's fiance) does something related to his restaurant
...there's a scene with just Sophie and Claire
...there's a scene with just Sophie and Charlie
...the characters drink

Chug Whenever

...Claire provides words of wisdom or comfort want

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