Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Best of - The World Cup

With the World Cup nearing the round of 16 I thought I would share some of the more talked about/entertaining videos so far in case you haven't been watching. I don't want to flood the main page with a butt ton of videos so check them all out after the jump (hint - if you don't know what that means hit the "Read more" button below).

I'm not sure what's up with the "Hey There Delilah" background music but punching people is pretty entertaining.

Flying elbows are pretty cool too - especially when they are by France so we can make fun of them for being cheap bastards.

As if we needed more ammo to make fun of the French, their coach refused to shake the South Africa coaches hand after he lost. He went on for over 30 seconds refusing to do it. Very classy France. I'm going to go get some Freedom Fries.

I could have scored this one. If Nigeria had made it they probably would be moving on to the Sweet 16. Oops.

This is one reason I don't watch much soccer - too much flopping and diving.

A hip-check to make any NHL player proud. Now if only there was more of this and less 0-0 matches I might pay more attention.


British people get wayyyyyy too into soccer - err, football.

Wrong place. Wrong time.

Annnddd finally the worst call of the World far. Which call was worse - this one or the Jim Joyce blown perfect game?

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