Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

We haven't been posting too much the past week or two and we apologize. We know you can't go a day without the latest sports and celeb news but we have been out of town. I wish we could say we were in Vegas getting Patrick Schwasted but I was in terrible Jersey and I don't know where Blog Dylan has been.

There are big things on the way this week so be sure to keep checking for new shit. There will be 5-10 posts tonight to catch you up on all your sports and gay entertainment news so watch out for those. We are also pleased to announce the start of a weekly podcast every Sunday night. It will cover sports, technology, celeb bullshit and movies/tv. We just finished the first one and will post it shortly. We are hashing out the exact format so it will probably change and become more refined in the next few weeks but it's basically just us ranting and raving about things that have been happening. We promise it'll be entertaining.

P.S. who the f**k bought the domain name?!? Not cool. We were way too poor to shell out $10 to buy the domain name a month ago but when we checked today it was purchased. What the hell - help a brother out...give us back the domain name and we'll send you shirtless pics of Justin Bieber.

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