Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Perfection at its Finest - Toy Story 3

It is rare when a sequel lives up to the original. Cough*Caddyshack 2*Cough. It is even more rare when the 3rd is just as good as the first two. Toy Story 3 did just that. There was a lot of hype surrounding the release and people I talked to before seeing it hailed it as "perfect". I was afraid it wouldn't live up to my lofty expectations but it did that and more. Pixar managed to combine all of the great elements and characters of the first two movies and bring them back in 3D. Toy Story 3 is enjoyable for all ages, except for my grandpa who fell asleep at parts...but that is to be expected. Hell, rotten tomatoes even loves it - they gave it a 99%.

I'm not going to give away what happens because everyone should go see this movie but it revolves around Andy going to college and leaving his toys behind. They end up in a day care that presents all sorts of challenges. What I loved most about the first two films were the intricate plans the toys concocted to avert danger and Toy Story 3 continued this trend. Overall I'd give the movie a 100% because it was flawless.

The 3D looks even better drunk so we have provided a drinking game to help make that happen...

Drink Whenever

...Ken acts gay
...the toys talk about Andy or college
...getting played with is referenced
...Lotso is in a scene or referenced

Chug Whenever

...the aliens say "The Claw!"

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