Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lion Burger? Sign Me Up!

Yes, that is not a typo, a restaurant outside of Phoenix, Arizona is serving up Lion Burgers in the spirit of the World Cup. A whole lot of people are bitching and moaning about this move, but seriously, who wouldn't want to eat one of these majestic beasts?

"Someone please eat me! I'm tired of being so awesome all the time."

Here's the catch, they are only serving 20 burgers a night. That means you need to make a reservation IMMEDIATELY, that is if you can even get one. A whole bunch of animal rights activists (a.s.s.h.o.l.e.s for short) have been making reservations just so other people can't spend their hard earned money on some tasty Mufasa.

Being eaten by humans is a much better fate than being trampled by a stampede of wildebeests (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

I mean seriously come on P.E.T.A. First you want people to start calling fish "sea kittens" (seriously...they really call fish that), and now you want me not to eat lions? This has gone to far. I just wish there was a People for the Okay Treatment of Animals, or P.O.T.A for short. Being cool to cats and dogs is a great idea, but telling me I can't fish because fish have emotions is bullshit. I would be the first to enlist in P.O.T.A. I just want to have my lion and eat it too I guess.

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