Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wise Words From a Wise Man.

And here I was sitting in my room and crying like a little bitch over my bracket until I read that status. I'm only mad about it because it hurts my ego to know some people are better at picking games. That's supposed to be my thing. I'm the man behind the golden keyboard with the cannon for a fucking arm. Here's another thought for your ass. How dumb would hats look if you cut off the rim? Did I just take my hat off and think of that? Yes, yes I did. And why does that even matter? Because of sick of seeing little bitches walk around with a fitted on but not completely on. Ya know what I mean? It's on backwards or forwards but it hangs off their head so they can let their hair come out the front. Like they're too fucking cool or lazy to care how the hat looks even though they probably spent 5 minutes in the mirror perfecting the look so the right amount of hair shows. It's bullshit and totally defeats the purpose of wearing a hat, which is to either cover your nasty head or block the sun from your face. Now apparently dudes are seeing who can look like the bigger douche bag but not me. If that makes me old school then so be it.

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