Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Geno Is Upset About a Poor Showing From The Fans

Connecticut coach Geno Auriemma, disappointed by a half-empty arena for Tuesday's home NCAA tournament game, says his team's fans have been spoiled by years of the Huskies' dominance in women's college basketball. "I think it's probably natural. I guess we need to win more," Auriemma said after UConn advanced to its 18th straight Sweet 16 with a 64-40 win over Purdue in the second round of the NCAA tournament. "Everybody loves a winner, you know." "Maybe we should offer free parking, more giveaways," he added. "We should let some of the fans coach the team, maybe a guest coach every quarter." Auriemma's comments came after an announced crowd of 5,729 watched the last home game of star Maya Moore's college career. That's a little more than half of the 10,027-seat capacity at Gampel Pavilion, the school's on-campus basketball facility. UConn has won 112 of its past 113 games -- with the lone loss, on Dec. 30 against Stanford, snapping a 90-game winning streak -- and the past two Division I national championships. "We have a spoiled group of fans who assume we are going to win, who assumed we would be in Philadelphia [for the regionals] and be at the Final Four," Auriemma said. "We had the season, the Big East in Hartford and now the NCAA tournament. You are asking them to do a lot. So I think we don't bid on [hosting the NCAA first round] for five years."

I mean it when I say Geno is one of 5 people that I want to pop in the fucking mouth. Not the head, not the chin, not the cheek but the fucking mouth so I bust up his teeth and his pretty little smile and leave him bleeding for a solid hour. Fuck him.  Maybe that cheap shot will help him wake the fuck up and he'll realize women's sports are an absolute joke. You might even say it's a travesty to allow it on our airwaves. I don't think I'm in the minority when I say I can watch women play sports and the entire time I'm thinking to myself about how I'd dominate out there. Don't give us some sob story about how the fans assume you're gonna win and they're spoiled. We simply don't give a shit. Hey asshole, the men are in the sweet 16 on Thursday night and they're going up against the #2 seed. You think that's a little more important than watching your scrub ass team wipe the floor with some hoes from Purdue? I think it might be. It'd be one thing if this was one comment from a random coach but this is Geno we're talking about and he's been acting like a smug dipshit for the past 15 years and I'm fucking sick of it. You want respect and notoriety? Coach a men's team. Even coach a boy's high school team or a boy's little league squad. Anything but girls sports. They're boring and that's the truth. They have about 1/8th of the athletic ability that the men do so you'll have to excuse me if I don't want to watch a watered down product. Would you send back your drink if a bartender gave you a coors light when you ordered a Sam Adams?  Would you start skipping over blogs if you found out some were written by Donahue and not by me? I rest my case.

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