Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chris Brown Went Nuts on Good Morning America

chris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheen
Chris Brown was on Good Morning America today and went absolutely ape-shit. Robin Roberts asked him a few question about Rihanna and he kept trying to change the subject. He appeared to get angry during the interview and after he apparently started screaming then threw a chair through a window in his dressing room and then ripped his shirt off. This is exactly the way to prove you aren't a complete nut job. TMZ reports:
We’re told after the interview, Brown freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and makeup became alarmed and called security.
We’re told Brown was out of control, and one source present tells us he smashed a window in his dressing room, and the glass shattered and some shards fell onto 43rd and Broadway.
We’re told by the time security rushed the area, Brown had ripped off his shirt and left the building, blowing off another performance he was supposed to do for the ABC website.
And sources say … on his way out of the building, Brown confronted a segment producer, got in his face and stared him down. People from the show got in between Chris and the producer to diffuse the situation.
chris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheen
After the incident he tweeted "I’m so over people bringing this past shit up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bullshit!" but ended up deleting it. Hey Chris, at least Charlie doesn't beat women. Oh wait, he does? Well at least Charlie Sheen is hilarious, uses the proper version of "their" and isn't trying to look like Sisqo. Here's the video of the interview:

"It's not really a big deal to me now as far as that situation. I think I'm past that in my life." Really, Chris? You don't think kicking Rihanna's ass is that big of a deal? Ya well neither is buying your CD which you suggested we do about 100 times.

chris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheen

chris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheen
chris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheenchris brown good morning america rihanna charlie sheen
Photos: INFdaily

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