Thursday, March 31, 2011

And On The Third Day, God Said Let There Be Peace.

Also, has mentioned us.  It's a really entertaining blog and is fucking funny.  Go read it.  And when I said 20 something gonorrhea infested dicks who graduated when Bush was in the white house and who spread their seed everywhere, I was talking about Johnne Rudek hooking up with high school sophmores.  I guess I should have said Bush's first term, my bad.

Uhhh nobody told me Ben Wilson was the chief guy over there at Brandon Jennings' Dew. I thought it was a two man show or some bullshit. That motherfucker once rocked a Reggie Miller jersey to pickup basketball at Foote Road. Everybody knows how I feel about Reggie. My kind of guy.

P.S. I knew that line about 20 something year olds with gonorrhea wasn't about  me. I had a physical in September and last I checked, I had no STD's. Also, my only sexual partner since then has been Brooklyn Decker and that vagina looks like Mr. Cleans dome piece.

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