Sunday, March 20, 2011

Olivia Munn Got Wasted Co-Hosting "Today" on St. Patrick's Day

olivia munn drunk st. patricks day today hoda beer drinking nbc
Olivia Munn co-hosted "Today" on St. Patrick's Day, filling in for Kathy Lee. She tweeted before the show about how she had been drinking since Monday and kept talking about getting "DayWasted" during the show with Hoda. Right before the show started she tweeted that she was already tipsy. Olivia then proceeded to get hammered during the show and was being hilarious.

I love how the beer girl tries to interrupt her and tell us how she made the beer. Someone should tell her that no one cares because Olivia Munn is getting tanked at 8am on national TV. We also don't care because she's ugly.

Hot, rich, has posed multiple times for Playboy, AND she loves day drinking? I think we all need some more Olivia Munn in our lives. Luckily she has a new show called "Perfect Couples". Unluckily it's on NBC and not Showtime. If you want further proof that Olivia Munn is awesome go here. Also, why didn't NBC ask her to design the Wonder Woman costume? She's basically a nerd's wet dream come true.

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