Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm Not Sure Who I Want To Smack More

How 'bout the clown of a father in this video? Hey bro, you're not 17 anymore. You can chill out with hair dye and earrings. I don't think the garage band gig is gonna go work out. It's time to set an example for your kid and be a positive member of society and by the looks of it, you're failing with both. What kind of slapdick jokes are those? I'm a big believer in if you're gonna make me open up a door, you better have something intelligent to say or I'll smack you right the fuck off the front step like it's fight night 2004. This video just encourages the kid to be a dumb asshole for the rest of his life like his dad. Nobody likes a dumb asshole. Donahue.

P.S. "Heeeyyy. What's uuupppp? Heeyyy guuyyyss, how did the glasses walk over the bridge?" is exactly how I talk when I'm drunk.

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