Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rebecca Black Already a Millionaire From "Friday"

rebecca black friday song music itunes millionaire ark music factory selena gomez demi lovato video
Forbes.com is reporting that Rebecca Black's song "Friday" has already had over 2 million downloads on iTunes. Apple pays artists .70 cents per download which means Rebecca Black has made about $1.4 million dollars from the iTunes downloads alone. According to Forbes, she has also made $20,000 from all the YouTube views. This more than makes up for the $2,000 her mom paid Ark Music Factory to create the song. I think the moral of this story is that we should all save up $2,000 because anyone can become a music superstar.

I take back my earlier comment that she looks like Selena Gomez. Actually I don't take it back, I just want to edit it. She looks like a combination of Selena Gomez, Lea Michele, Demi Lovato and a horse. I guess I could just say: she looks like a combination of Selena Gomez, Lea Michele, Demi Lovato and Sarah Jessica Parker. Since I haven't posted the video yet here it is in all its future Grammy winning glory.

I wanted to like this song, I really did. I like being hip and talking to the kids on the street about what's cool. There were just certain things about this song that kept me from being able to like it. For starters, the fact that she's 13 and gets in a car with her 13 year old friends? That's crazy. Also, who's teaching kids these days that driving fast on the highway is a good idea? And do I even have to bring up the "partying, partying" that this 13 year old is doing? Other than that this song is pretty good.

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