Thursday, February 26, 2009


I claimed I would never actually post something serious about my personal life but here it is. I'm in love with 3 different girls. anyway. I got a knot in my stomach and it's killing me. I just wanna get the W. 0-2 hurts more than 0-1. I was thinking "me" not we and I did absolute work last game and I don't care what anyone says. I was nasty. Tonight was a different. I did the opposite sean avery and let #7 get in my head even though I was trying to get in his. Embarassing. My play was anything from satisfactory and I apologize. I’m sorry. We were looking for an undefeated season. That was my goal, something MSC has never done here. But I promise you one thing: A lot of good will come out of this. You have never seen any player in the entire country play as hard as I will play the rest of the season, and you will never see someone push the rest of the team as hard as I will push everybody the rest of the season. You never see a team play harder than we will the rest of the season. God bless. Honestly, you could have looked out on that field tonight and told mike dasilva I've never played soccer before and he would buy it. Just fucking garbage. I guess when you always try to bring the thunder, you get lost in the storm. No more sad titty sobbing. When a true champion comes face to face with his darkest hour, he fights, and fights, and then fights some more. Surrender is death and death is pussy. And my ass aint no pussy, my ass is a fucking champion.

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