Friday, February 13, 2009

Boy Is Father at 13.

Alfie, who is just 4ft tall, added: “When my mum found out, I thought I was going to get in trouble. We wanted to have the baby but were worried how people would react.“I didn’t know what it would be like to be a dad. I will be good, though, and care for it.” Alfie's story, broken exclusively by The Sun today has sparked a huge political storm with David Cameron saying: "When I saw these pictures this morning, I just thought how worrying that in Britain today children are having children."

I don't wanna tell this kid how to live his life but you should have got a shmushmortion at the shmushmortion clinic. I mean just look at the picture of him. If that stare on his face doesn't say, "I've made a terrible mistake" (arrested development fans?) then consider me miles davis. When I was 13 I still thought I was going to be in the NBA not being a father.And how is he going to be a good dad? Is he gonna try to teach this kid how to ride a bike while he's still learning how to drive a car? And how is that chick 15? She looks like she could be the mother of her brand new baby daddy. I'm not a gay but this kid could looks like he could grow up to be a good lookin chap for christs sake and he goes and bangs the rest of his life away on some chunky fuck who looks like a cross between carrot top and dirk nowitzki. If Alfie has any sense in him then he better get out now and knock up some other broad in the same town. Then father only one of the kids while never actually acknowleding the other. Make that shit a reality show. You got One Tree Hill. Now that is something I would watch.

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