Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Have The World By The Short and Curlies

First let me point out that AMERICA won last night. 2 to 0 over a bunch of guys named omar, juan, and all last names that end in "ez." I honestly have nothing great to rant on anymore. Rhianna already got her 5 minutes of fame and the celtics post from a couple days ago have run my engines dry. Syracuse basketball doesn't deserve me. They're like bow wow trying to jump on a track with me and Kanye. We got that swagger on a hundred thousand trillion. Oh, Sellberg made a yankees post? Gotta be excited about the yankee outfield this year. Johnny Damon. Woooooo!!! I love players in the twilight of their career. I Couldn't tell ya one thing about brett gardner. Yes I can. I like the .228 career batting average. From a Boston view I fucking love that .228 batting average. Keep up the good work Dylan or Brett, whatever your name is. He's fast but so is Jacoby. You wanna know the difference between the two? Jacoby has a ring.

I miss Nomar so much.

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