Monday, February 23, 2009

Sir Charles= The Coldest Story Ever Told.

The round mound of rebound was sentenced to 5 days in jail after pleading guilty to 2 counts of DUI. What a crock of shit. Give the guy a fucking break. He's not some dead weight blonde who was born into fame, running around, getting fucked on camera and crashing daddy's car every weekend. This is Charles we're talking about here. He blew a .149. Barkely is a fucking legend. He went on TV and said sorry. Every chance he gets, he always takes full responsibility for his actions. We should admire that, not punish him for it. The guy tells it like it is. Speaking of which, what's all this talk about ponte being a womanizer? When you can get on my level I'll let you swap some war stories with me over a cold beer. As Kevin Smith says," Until then, Get ya weight up budddyy." ANYWAY. I've always been a fan of the man (barkely not ponte. I wouldn't either near my wife). I have a frame of him on my wall right next to Kevin Youkilis and Ronaldinho. That's big. And what's 5 days gonna do? You're just teasing Jeff Dahmer and Buffalo bill in cell block 43 when you stick fresh meat in the slammer for that amount of time. All I'm saying is I think these guys are sniffing up the wrong hershey trail. Or something.

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