This isn't the first time says Rihanna. According to the police report, Rihanna told police that this wasn't the first time Brown hit her saying it was an ongoing and escalating abusive relationship.Typical. I don't want to say it but you know what I'm saying. I mean you know. Fine whatever. George Bush doesn't care about black people but black guys don't care about females. There I said it. This just keeps getting better for Christopher. How do you hit that? I mean I know how you "hit" that but physically. Call Sean Avery a scum bag all you want but he doesn't even compare to this guys level. If all my ex-girlfriends start dating my boys in the HBMHL trust me you will hear about it. We're not even on the sloppy seconds level. That's like filthy fifths. Yeah, I'm a classy guy too. Forget it this has gone too far.

Selig said A-rod "shamed the game."Ouch. A guy who sits on his ass making 18 million a year just called you a shame to the game. This motherfucker went from pretty boy king of the league to the jam between my toes. Another extra nugget of info that came out this week says that the girl A-rod is sucking face with was a 19 year old girl. You go man. Listen, I gave Alex(is) enough shit this week but I don't care. I'm not saying to hate this guy because he did steroids. I'm telling you to hate him because he's a complete asshole and pussy. Before and after this whole steroid saga. Let's just say when we meet on the street the only RBI's this fucker is getting will be Real Bad Injuries.

Bahhhaaaaaa. Togssyybeearrr. I love this kid Solid week for the most part except for the whooping I put on him in madden but that's to be expected when rza gets on the 1'sand 2's. You can ask Sellberg about that.
I'm gonna go with togs on this one. You can't battle back from a picture like that. Especially one with Chris Jeffrey Dahmer Powers.
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