Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reader Instant Message: Nate Robinson Sucks.

: my dude little nate is dirty
Rza: you're fucking retarded
ILoveRza:what he's averaging like 30 a game since the break
Rza:you're so glib
ILoveRza: you're gay
Rza: he's the worst point guard in the league
ILoveRza: you're the worst pg in the league
Rza: fuck you you're just jealous
ILoveRza: w/e little nate is the best guard in the league
Rza: Kobe, wade, cp3, b-roy, RONDOOOO. I'd even put steve blake over nate robinson.
ILoveRza: We're makin the playoffs man I can feel it.
Rza: Show me the point guard who averages 30 a game and 2 assists and I'll show you the team who can't win a game. the knicks.
sean avery scored last night. you remind me of him. always runnin ya mouth in pick up.
Rza: ..I love you.
ILoveRza: Aiight nigga I'm out
Rza: I'm white. you go back to queens/ghana and read the manual emmanuel.
ILoveRza: I don't miss you at all.
Rza: go be a falcon freak you big albertus fan.

That's an exact replica of the conversation I just had. Screen names are obviously changed. I didn't wanna blow his cover. The kid is from queens, he's got goons all over the world. It's BKBreed718 and his skype name is KingofQueens. Baahhaaaaa

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