Monday, February 23, 2009

Greatest Sports Die-nasty ever.period.

When the you ask about the greatest dynasty in sports history you think of the Boston Celtics, The Detroit Red Wings, The Tennesse Lady Volunteers, and Tommy Ponte the lady killer, but all of these pale in comparison to the Trinity College Mens Squash Team.....WHAT!? Yup these guys have 200 straight wins and 11 straight national championships, whatttt 11 straight national titles are you kidding, backoff NBA, NFL, NHL, HBMHL, Collegiate Squash hold the greatest dynasty ever. People come from all over the world into the slums of hartford to play at this school, who would have thought. I mean I'v heard of ladies coming from all over the world to see Dan Donahue dance but not to play squash for trinity. I myself being a former squash player can really appreciate this, I dreamed of Trinity way back when was a freshman playing fourths squash at The Westminster School, and I'm man enough to admit I was oon fourths (Varsity, JV, Thirds, Fourths). My coach didnt speak english but he tought me enough to trounce sellberg in racketball at the Y everyday, wordup.

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