Monday, February 23, 2009

Manny Is Still Unemployed.

Man-ram doesn't have a job and I refuse to get one until he does. Honesty, how isn't this guy on a team? He's gotta be one of the most, if not the most feared right handed hitter in the game. I don't see any of his numbers slowing down at all this year. There has to be a legit reason he is still a free agent. Oh, maybe teams noticed the way he tanked it in Boston last year. Yeah, that "knee injury" that never existed when he went for a MRI. How about the way he disrespected the front office because they didn't want to talk about a contract extension until after the season. Or when he beat up an old guy because he didn't order the right amount of tickets. Might be the punch he threw at Youk last year on the bench. Let's throw in the fact that he already turned down two generous contract offers this year. Manny is finally feeling the consequences of acting like a 7 year old his entire time with the sox. He broke my heart. Bottom line is this guy is a piece of shit. Always has been, always will be. I fucking hate him. I hope he never gets a job again. If he ever plays a game in Boston I hope they drill him in his head and end his entire career. Fuck you Manny. I'm being bitter? Fuck you too, you're just jealous of my rockin' bod.

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