Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Were Young and Dumb But We All Had Fun?

Johnny Damon speaks to the media today in Tampa following A-Rod’s presser: “Yeah he did some bad things. He took a steroid. Definitely do not condone that, at all, but there could be a lot worse things he could have been doing out there. He hasn’t done a crime. So there’s worse things that he could have done but you know I’ve known Alex since he was 15 and he’s always been super nice to me and so I’m going to support him and try help him through this time. (Reporter: Johnny, what would have been worse?) Murdering someone... There’s plenty of things that could be worse than what he did. (Reporter: Was A-Rod cheating?) For part time in his career, perhaps, but you know what, the pitchers that were facing him too at the time were doing it.”

....baahhaaaaa this Yankee squad is a bunch of class acts I tell ya. It seems every year we get an apology in Feburary from a new york player for doing something admirable. He was always a super nice guy so he's not in the wrong for doing steroids? Good logic there Johnny. If anyone needs to be on the juice it's Damon. Gotta cure that bitch arm some how. Lets not jump all over A-rod because I mean hey, he didn't shoot somebody. It's not like he didn't completely disrespect baseball and became a shame to all of his teammates or anything. He's aces in my book. Honestly, as talented as this team is, I'm not even worried about playing them. Their insecurities are going to tear them apart. The whole team "supporting" A-roid at his press conference was the biggest crock of shit I've seen since Kobe playing nice with Shaq. They're all a bunch of fucking jokes. Look at A-roid, the guy is a fucking pussy. I hear Yankees then I hear laughter. Baaaaaaaaaaaaha. Jeter can look like he's behind A-roid but the truth of the matter is this guy is pissed. Jeter might be the purest guy in the league and now his cock of a teammate is not only disgracing himself but putting doubt into every person who watches baseball. When the Yanks are in 3rd place the entire year, stressing the need for team chemistry look for the proud sox fan yelling, "I told ya so." That would be thiss guyyyy. Hey Sellberg. Cue.The. Motherfucking. Duck. Boats.

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