Thursday, February 26, 2009

Please allow me to re-introduce myself...

RICHMOND, Va. -- A government official says imprisoned NFL star Michael Vick has been approved for release to home confinement.

His name is Vick...Vick...V to the ick. The man is black and back, and im not gonna exited. Ya big fuckin deal this guy let some dogs attack eachother, and let nature take its course...AMEN Michael. I want to know if I would get just as crucified if I started a Beta Fish fighting ring, i mean...those suckers are meannn. Thats equivalent to throwing Donnahue into a daycare...nobody is going to come out of there untouched. My prediction is...Michael comes back like all up in her faster, stronger, and dominates the league at every position. After all that man does have a dick like a Pitbull...oh behave

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