Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The girl who has settled down next to me has no personality

so here I am sitting in Bradley fucking airport on adams ipod that he kindly let me borrow waiting for my three clock flight to charlotte north Carolina. See the thing is my supposed flight left twenty minutes ago. Hectic morning at the sellberg house as you might imagine. As me and my father were ready to go at 7am my mother decided to make fun of us for being like old men and continuously standing in the mirror. Needless to say I am my fathers son. So I'll be in the airport for the next five hours only to fly to north CarolinA and sleep in
That airport. Moral of the story is when a woman diSrespectz don't be afraid to go chris brown on her ass.

Oh and apparently you don't have to be 18 to buy a playboy cause kendra sure looks good in this eight dollar magazine

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