Sunday, February 15, 2009

Junior To The Braves? Sure.

Atlanta has interest in signing Ken Griffey. I love the guy. He's been one of my favorite players ever since his Seattle days. The 39 left hander still has the purest swing in the game. He's the Ray Allen of the league when it comes to the sweetest games. Poetry in motion is how Spike Lee would explain it. He's just fun to watch. The big smile, always wearing his hat backwards, makes me think I got a little man crush on him. When you look back at Griffey's number when he was with Seattle it is absolutely scary to imagine the type of numbers he could have today if he wasn't always injured and took better care of his body. From 1996 to 2000 the guy hit 249 dingers. It was also the last time he played in over 140 games besides 2007 when he still managed to club 30 home runs at the tender age of 37. If he could do that when he was 37 just think about what he could have done had he not been so hurt those 6 previous years before 2000. Insaaaane. If there ever comes out news that he did some form of steroid I will lose faith in every aspect of my life. God bless America.

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