Sunday, February 15, 2009


Just watched last nights SNL and besides the fact that the show has gone more and more down hill every year there was something that is still grinding my gears. The Jonas Bros. I fucking hate them. HATE HATE HATE them. They are most homosexual pieces of shit I have ever seen on TV. I'm not saying I got a problem with the the gaids (gay man aids) community but I'm also not saying I condone it what so ever. Fuck it. Honestly, if you're telling me that they are not gay then I'm not buyin it. I heard they don't want to have sex until their married. Definition of Queers. Their entire fucking demeanor rages I like dick in my ass. I've never heard a song by them and I hope I never do. I honestly don't even see the talent. They were involved in a couple skits and it was completely painful to even watch. And their style. Who dresses these queens? One piece of shit has this straight perm looking like the next michael jackson victim while the other 2 have a raging jew fro. They are the opposite of what people like me and Sean Avery stand for. That's beer guzzling men who love to run their mouths and disrespect anyone who comes in our path. Let me put it this way. When it comes to the Jonas brothers and myself, the story ends with me putting them into the wall.

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