Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lets talk sex

No sex talk here you pervs, just some good ol' fashioned fun. Although, what truly is fun right now? Its the dead of winter, our country is in an economic downturn, my president is black, there is an epedemic going around this state apparently making everybody and their brother sick, and I missed my flight this morning and I won't be leaving for the beach on business until tomorrow morning. Anyways lets talk facts. And since I haven't given it much speak yet, were going to talk about the 2009 New York Yankees of New York City. 

I'd like to start with the rotation this year, lets just say they better all win 20 games or I will not be satisfied. 1. C.C. Sabathia, hes a rock and a workhorse gonna do great things not to mention he's got a bigger gut than Susan B. Anthony 2. Chien Meng Wang, in my opinion the most underrated player in baseball, if he's healthy he's helpin' 3. A.J. Burnett, my personal favorite pickup of the offseason I really like him in the middle of our rotation, hes got the ageless wisdom, much like Christopher Walken 4. Phil Hughes, much better looking than Phil Pratt 5. Andy Pettite, love the guy and is going to finish off the rotation with 13 wins and a healthy year. I see our bullpen as the best part of our team in 2009, other than A-Roids muscles.

Heres the infield, the most talented infield in the MLB, roidless or not. First base- Mark Texiera, what more can I say he's not in Boston. Second Base- Robinson Cano, my favorite player on the Yanks, he'll take a batting title this year quicker than Ponte takes a jumper ShortStop- Derek Jeter...the Jay-Z of baseball, this guys never going away...neither are Rhiannas bruises. Third Base- A-Roid, I wouldn't be upset if he didn't get a hit all season, you betray the game, you betray your team, I now hate him almost as much as Reed Wazorko. Catcher- Jorge Posada, this guy goes harder than Chris Brown's fist

And the outfield, whiter than my ass in March. Left Field- Johnny Damon, personally I don't think he can produce, is it because hes part Asian...maybe. Center Field- Brett Gardner, I have a friend on facebook named Dylan Gardner thats all I got. Right Field- Xavier Nady, this guys the X-factor, hes excellent, might need an X-ray, but he can also play the xylophone. 

My prediction, 107-55 in the regular season, world series against the Chicago Cubs, we win in 5 games.

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