Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jodi Rell Just Served CT's Golden Boy.

"I think if coach Calhoun had the opportunity right now, he would welcome a do-over and not have that embarrassing display," Rell told reporters after a meeting with business leaders and local college officials. Asked what she considered embarrassing, Rell said, "I just thought the whole tone, his whole tone."

I've been saying this from day one. This why we can't have women in charge. They're just too fucking soft. Boo fucking hoo.Typical female on their period and I don't give a fuck who I offend. Last time I checked, this state was winning championships when we had a man in office. Sure, call me a sexist or whatever the fuck you want it's ok, I've been called a lot of things. Most recently I've been called a xenophobe. No, I'm not afraid of other countries, I just think we're better than everybody else. In my fathers day they called that PATRIOTISM. You're talking about a man's money here. You don't do that, I don't care if you're Kenny Powers. What would Jodi think if I got up and asked about her weight. Let's be honest, she could lose 5 maybe 30 pounds to get in game shape. Let's check out this bitches tone after that. I don't think Jim went hard enough. I would have been sending that snobby reporter in the wall. Look at that picture of Taliek and Rashad. Pure joy. You don't see that shit goin on now after this old lady started running things. If what I'm saying is considered wrong then I don't wanna be right.

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