Monday, February 23, 2009

The things I would do for this girl.

Here are the 10 craziest thing I would do to call Kendra Wilkinson my own (sorry bobbi)

10. Stay in Burlington the rest of my life
9. Get in a fist fight with Callahan, regardless if it ment my demise
8. Sacrifice my first born child to the Jackson family, Michael's
7. Have sexual intercourse with Magic Johnson
6. Lick Kendra's bootyhole, that we all know she doesn't poop out of 
5. Put a ripe banana in my ear
4. Blowjobs for every man above the Magellan Strait
3. Sacrifice myself as a promoter of the entire slavery act
2. Dig up Anna Nicole's grave and boink her corpse
1. Go Chris Browning on Rhianna (again), Taylor Swift, And Megan Fox...that will be hard but I'll do it for her 

Just a side note...I had a picture that was "safe search off"...but the three amigos had to bitch so i turned "safe search on"

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