Friday, February 20, 2009

Tom Brady Has The World By The Short and Curlys

Striking an optimistic tone, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said yesterday he's progressing from knee surgery as expected and sees no reason he won't be ready for the 2009 season opener. Brady added that he's "doing everything" in his workouts and that "you wouldn't know that I had surgery if you watched me." He said he's "moved on" and that he considers his injured left knee a "non-issue."

I don't know how the fuck I missed this yesterday but apparently #12 is back and better than ever. You hear that? He's "doing everything." Yeah, everything. He's dropping back in the pocket, borking giselle, texting me, telling espn how much they suck balls, slapping sellbergs tits, punching rhianna, jumping over dwight howard, hanging with mouth mcfadden, putting shamu in a chlorine tank, sticking it to the man, getting in facebook fights on his girlfriends wall, winning the battle at big horn, getting punched in the mouth by togs, being the change we can believe in, pulling a chair out on donahue, turning water into wine, hooking me and hayden up for a first date, and so on and so forth. Bottom line is THE CANDY MAN IS BACK.

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