Monday, February 16, 2009

"Today, I submitted my picture to a rating website. It was rejected because I didn't clarify which person I was. The picture was of my dog and me."

Ignore the title. I'm not even gonna look for a picture because it's not worth my energy. The purpose of this post is to say I was wrong about being wrong. I can do that because as far as I'm concerned, I'm on some Zeus shit lately. I'm currently watching the uconn/pitt game (before 1treyhill) and I noticed something. Hasheem Thabeet is overrated. Yeah, I was fucking right all along. Don't let his big game against bad teams fool you as it did me. He's fucking soft. You can't watch this kid and actually imagine him going punch for punch with guys like Kevin Garnett or even a chump like Bynum. Compare him to Hakeem the dream and I'll clean your clock out. That's just silly. Sure, he'll block your shot but when you go out and get your own rebound and take it to him in the paint, he gives in like a drunk rza on a friday night. Hasheem rarely will even run both sides of the court. He's a pussy and he's lazy unless he's dominating a game. Dajuan Blair is absolutely slapping Thabeet around tonight. 15 points and 13 rebounds and theres still 1 minute left in the first half. As much as I hate him for being a conceded shit, he is the exact type of player I want on my team. He loves drankin' and he loves women.

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