Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Live Blog A-Rod News Conference

1:44 he is 14 minutes late already...apparently the last needle in his ass took a little bit extra time

1:47 Grandma is begging me to go down to the beach with her...bitch needs to understand theres a news conference on

1:48 where the fuck is this guy?? hes 19 minutes late...it looks like A-Rod has turned into stray-rod

1:50 here he is finally, some Jason Zillo character first then A-Roid, cashman, and finally Joe Girardi who looks mighty jacked in his little black shirt today

1:52 A-Rod is looking mighty stressed right now, he literally just bit his nails and sat back in his chair, wheres the posture homeboy

1:53 "first bare with me, im a little nervous, or a lot nervous so bare with me a little bit" Real professional A-Rod you would have never passed a public speaking class fucking mexi

1:55 what the fuck is this guy hellen keller, he is looking down the entire time and squints when he looks up. he's saying twice a month every month from 2000-2003...real classy A-Rod you let your cousin stick your ass

1:59 nice pause fucker, "like everyone else I have made mistakes in my life"...oh yeah alex and now your sitting there pausing...you havent spoken in 50 seconds..you drank some water and just said "and to my teammates"....thankyou....what the fuck is this are you frozen?...ya good idea just go to the Q&A

2:01 Alex just said "if i had a son" ....alex the roids lower your sperm counts all your having is transvestites

2:04 "i guess when you'r young and stupid, your young and stupid, and i guess I am guilty of both of those" why am i fucking watching this is 80degrees outside and fucking beautiful

2:06 "I didnt think they were steroids, they were over the counter, it was amateur hour" ...over the counter from Dominican Republic?? If the atlantic ocean is a counter than yeah sure

2:11 "I knew we weren't taking tic-tacs" thats all this fuck has to say about being secretive..fuck it im out headin to the beach get some rayssss

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