Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Okay, fist off let me say that that is AIRBRUSHED TO SHIT...either that or I have just literally fallen in love with Terrell Owens. That picture is more beautiful than a dozen pink swans swimming in a pool with a lighty fountain. Anyways, its looking like Terrell is heading to Oakland, because clearly his work as a Cowboy has been tarnished. Inside sources have told me that this offseason Terrell will be dealt from the cowboys rather than flat out cut like a corner. We all know why Wendy's has square burgers, CAUSE THEY DON'T CUT CORNERS. Terrell clearly does, honestly who can't even drive to the gym and works out in his own driveway?? Where have I seen this before? Mid-Career wide receiver, attitude problems, cut abs, a clear level above the rest, unsatisfied with his current situation...going to the Raiders. Hm RANDY THE RAIDER. How did that work out? Poor Randy's career was nearly ruined until he went to the golden arm of Tom Terrific. All I'm saying is when the Raiders trade Terrell to the Pats they automatically become the most fucked up and most talented team in the NFL. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES. 

-I'll be posting from 80 degree weather for the next week, Im in Florida on business.

-And for the record I CAN BEAT OFF CONSTANTLY

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