Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Get used to seeing that in the upper left hand corner of your screen folks...LETS GO! If you ask me...162-0 isn't a difficult line to achieve all you have to do is have Texiera and A-Rod on the corners and your sittin pretty. Thats right, i said forgetting about the past cause after all Mark Mac...were not here to talk about the past. 

Today ESPN reported that A-ROD got into a truck driven by his cousin Yuri Sucart allegedly who linked him to if i had a dollar for every time i have gotten in the car with someone I shouldn't have...Warren Buffet would be my name and slayin bitches would be my game...lets see here...

The top 5 people i regret ever getting in the car with

5. Douggie Z...while he took his first hit at 9AM
4. Billy Bayne any time he insists he's sober enough to drive
3. Cyr in that Wendys parking lot
2. My neighbor while he was evidently high on shrooms
1. Lauren Bisson

OH BEHAVE...bottom line is everybody gets in a car with somebody they shouldn't have and just because your name is Peter Gammons doesn't mean you have to tell the world about it...who am i kidding lets all grow happy places

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