Monday, February 23, 2009

Baseball needs a hero...David Wright

In this era of steroids in my beloved game of baseball, there have been many players that once were beloved that we now hate (A-Rod, Bonds, Marky Mac, Big Roger, etc.). This is a time where many people love to criticize our nation's pastime. It is clear that this game is in need of a hero, and somebody that exemplifies everything the game should be about. David Wright is that guy. He is one of the harders working players I have observed while at spring training, and regular season games. He seems to be to the Mets what Derek Jeter is to the Yanks. He is the face of a Major Leage Baseball franchise, and that does not go to his head. He still has the time to be there for the fans as much as he can, and do the right thing. He has his own foundation (The David Wright Foundation) benefiting kids with Multiple Sclerosis, which is a devestating disease.

This man is not only an allstar talent in the leage and an Original Gangster (OG), but is also a class act who goes about things the right way.

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