Monday, February 16, 2009

Do Ya Feel Lucky, Punk? Do Ya?

BREAKING NEWS:Interstate 84 is closed for miles because of a man holding a gun to his own head in Hartford, police say

Whatever man. If this guy had any real balls he would just pull the trigger like a G. If I was on the swat team this shit would be too easy. He doesn't have a bomb, not gonna threaten any other peoples lives, it's so simple. Either let the poor bastard blast himself or just gun this fucker to high heaven. He's one less psycho piece of shit we need to worry about in the world. It's the only logical solution in these harsh economic times. Mr. Attention seeker is making all these people late for work on I-84 and they can't afford to be tardy. I'm not willing to let joanie get fired from her job at aetna because she was late in submitting her TPS reports. It's just inconsiderate of this bafoon to be personally cutting jobs by holding a gun to his head. Let me know when these fuckers got some real problems that need some critical thinking skills courtesy of this guyyyy.

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