Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Pissed.

My Fanhood was questioned today. I'm not gonna name names but lets just say my loyalty to the city of Boston came into play. Listenn hombre when you can drop stats about Paul Pierce's rookie year then we can talk. I can. Something around 16-18 a game I'd say. You can look and check for me I'm probably right but whatever. Get ready that's nothin. Maybe I'm too young to dish out numbers about the 80's teams and Larry Legend but without a doubt I'm mindful and proud of them. All I wanna say is this about calling me out. When you can tell me you weren't pissed when we delt for Vin Baker and wanted Danny Ainge's head on a torch then we can talk. Or maybe watching a team with Tony Delk and Marcus Banks at point guard. Ricky Davis and Wally too. Eric Williams (I see you providence college) ring a bell? Or when Antoine and Pierce led us into the conference finals against New Jersey only to break our hearts. Walter Mccarty, Tony Battie, Kenny Anderson. Ron Mercer? Those were fun times. Don't you wish we didn't trade randy foye for telfair or that we kept Joe Johnson? How 'bout when the td banknorth garden was the Fleet center? Pierce getting stabbed? I'll even go 2 years back for you and talk about the 18 game losing streak. Oh you don't remember that? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. Bottom line is this. The next person to call me out being a band wagon fan will not be put into a wall but rather fucking murdered. I have no time for this arrogant bullshit. I bleed green, red and blue. If you can't figure out those three teams please never read this blog again and kill yourself. Fuck off.

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