Friday, February 13, 2009

Sitting next to a pile of Artichokes

Gooday chaps, its mid afternoon here in the tropics and I figured I would take a break from the sun and have some lunch and blog. Anyways, If you were wondering that plane that went down wasn't mine and I'm still alive. Its gorgeous here in FLA on grandma sellbergs dell. In a few minutes Im going to go to the Bar with grandpa, pops, and cousin david, oh boy am I exited. Tall Coors light and a soft pretzel please...and yes they actually give that to me. ANYWAYS some sports news

Barack Obama beat Off Constantly this weekend in dodgeball...what a travesty...I call that 2009 powderpuff syndrome, talk too much shit and get a slap in the jabootie.

Thats all i really know in sports, im a bit secluded here in FLA...tomorrow is Valentines day...easy on the smoochin Bayne...etc. etc. Stay savvy

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