Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Story Ever?

Hundreds of people from the United States and Canada want to adopt an Oklahoma dog that survived an attempt to euthanize it. The puppy was one of five stray dogs that Sulphur animal control officer Scott Prall put to sleep Friday - or so he thought. Prall found one of the dogs alive Saturday in a trash bin set aside for dead animals and took it to veterinarian technician Amanda Kloski. "He was prancing around. He heard me drive up, and he looked up and saw me," Prall said Wednesday. He said he initially found the stray dog near the animal shelter Friday and tried to kill it by injecting the dog with two lethal doses of a sedative in a foreleg and the heart. Each dose should have been enough to kill the dog, and the second injection was meant to ensure it worked. Kloski noted the dog's survival on a pet adoption website, drawing the attention of Marcia Machtiger of Pittsburgh, who donated $100 so Kloski could board the dog for a week.

I wanna go to war with this dog and then some.  Do they just kill dogs off if they don't have a home? Why can't we do that with homeless people or illegal immigrants? That's all I have to say. Let that marinate in your brains for a couple hours.

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